Live Local Development Fund

The Live Local Development Fund (LLDF) is an initiative aimed at promoting housing development in Greater Jefferson County.

The development of housing that is affordable to our local workforce isn’t just an investment in roofs and walls; it’s an investment in our communities and the workers who contribute so much to them.

The LLDF is strategic gap financing designed to enhance Greater Jefferson County's competitiveness and drive housing development. The program is a pivotal step toward addressing the need for additional housing stock by incentivizing the creation of multi-family housing developments.

Fort Atkinson

About the LLDF

Type of housing

The LLDF is designed to promote housing of all types, from affordable to market rate, in the county


The fund offers up to $25,000 per unit for a negotiated term at or below market rates


Public, private and not-for-profit real estate developers are eligible to apply

Program focus

Multi-family housing developments in Greater Jefferson County, with a planned expansion to include single family housing in the years to come

Fund size

$5.5 million currently available

Getting started

Developers interested in applying or learning more can complete the inquiry form linked below

Complete the Live Local Development Fund inquiry form

Live Local Development Fund investors